Assalamualaikum !
waa , 100+ follower suda . alhamdulillah . eiyna bru je wt blog ny x smpy pun sbln .hehe
tengs ek korang bub sudi follow blog eiyna yg x sbrpe ny . n to zata amani si gadis pink the lucky follower , i give some award for u . tengs sudi follow belog ny . jum kte usha²+follow blog dy .
waah. canteknye!
pandai k.eiyna edit.
adex jaty nak jugak! hahah.
award utk follower ke-87 xdop eh? huhuhu..xD
@izatty fatihahhehe , xcntk pn la .
ambk la adex jaty nop gk .hehe ala,kre skli la tue :)
awk bole ajar sy tak > mcmna nk buat blog se cute blog awk ne ? beri link tuto bole? terpikat la hehe..
bole :)
blog awk pun kiut gk .hihi
tgk cni ek