Assalamualaikum !
oke , ad stu ag rquest from adik comel bubu chacha . ny tnye pasal
fieldset yg online n offline tue . ukeh , jum stat .
yg tue sng je . first tue cm biasa la kn . then pegi design >
add a gadget > HTML/Javascript .
copy kod kt bwh ny n paste kan kt ctu .
<fieldset><legend><img src="URL GAMBAR "/></legend> YOUR WORD<center style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);"><img src="URL GAMBAR ONLINE/OFFLINE " /></center><center>DATE</centerYOUR WORD</fieldset>
contoh nye macam nie .
<fieldset><legend><img src=""/></legend> eiyna is<center><img src="" /></center><center>29-04-2011</center> heyya bloggies ! thanks sudi drop cni ^_^ hit the cute flower to follow :)</fieldset>
pstu save . done . pic yg comel² tue korang leh cri dekat glitter graphic .
kalau x faham tnye ek
thanks 4 sharing...nak wat gak..:)
@najihatussolehah oke , welcome :)
sis,kenapa tak jadi.. :(
@mizz bubuxjd k ? xjd yg ne ?
sy ambi tuto akan credit..